2023 Championship Weekend Dynasty Recap: To Be and Not To Be

2023 Championship Weekend Dynasty Recap: To Be and Not To Be

Interestingly enough, every team that won was done playing after the late afternoon games yesterday, while every team that lost had an almost insurmountable point total to overcome to try and win on Sunday night. Here’s the full recap and a little extra at the end:


Michael Style 108.76 over Fear Itself 80.48

Alex lost the consolation championship last year with the youngest starting lineup, and this year he won the whole thing with the youngest starting lineup. What’s that saying NBA pundits used a lot after the Sixers turned it around, trust the process? Well, Alex trusted and it paid off. I’m sorry Alex, I can’t name Breece Hall honorary MVP. Had it not been for Najee Harris (18.10), Hall would’ve earned Championship MVP honors, but Harris saved his best for last. Nathan, we knew coming in how difficult the three-peat is, but that doesn’t make it hurt less. At least your team didn’t disappear completely. Actually, outside of last year’s IDP season, this is the highest point total the losing team has scored in the championship in any season.

Third Place

ay_Bilat 105.45 over Space Rangers 88.74

I wanted revenge, but now I’ll just store it up for next year’s playoffs, in a game that really matters…better watch out! It’s Trey’s fourth time finishing top three, something only Nathan can also claim. Third place may not have been the target, but it’s still a solid finish. As I said above, Alex had the youngest starting lineup in the league, and I had the second youngest. I was unable to turn that into a championship trip, but I did finish in the top five for the first time since year 1…baby steps.

CONSOLATION Championship

Noobmaster69 67.27 over Fantasy Fairies 46.44

It wasn’t pretty, but Simon became the first team ever to win back-to-back consolation bracket titles. Very much aided by Ryan electing not to put a fully healthy lineup in, but there will be no asterisks as Simon rides off into the sunset.

Eleventh Place

Shenron’s Wish 121.47 over NUKEM 89.30

Alright, who had money on this game being the highest scoring one of the weekend? These two combined for 145.64 points last week; Bryar almost had that by himself this week. I guess neither wanted the title of biggest loser. Unfortunately for Pastor Dad, someone had to take it home. Bryar, led by three players putting up 23+ points, scored over 100+ for just the second time this season. It was also the sixth highest point total by any team this year. Pastor Dad, it was a solid effort, just take solace in knowing your team (maybe minus Cousins) should be at full strength again when week 1 roles around next season.


The NFL Draft and then our Dynast Draft!

Like previous seasons, you can make offseason trades (you cannot make offseason drop and pickups). If you want to make a trade with someone and you don’t have a way to contact them let me know. I’ll give you their name so you can add them on Facebook and message them that way. Or I’ll give you their email address. During offseason trades you don’t need to have an even balance of picks, i.e. one coach could receive a first round pick and not give up a pick in return, unless the coach that’s not receiving a pick in return will have a roster that drops to 18 or less players (in other words, no manipulating the system). Once the trade has been agreed upon make sure BOTH coaches send me the trade so that I know you both accepted and then I will send it out to the rest of the league to be voted on. The coaches not involved in the trade will have 2 days to respond back to me with a yay or nay. In order for a trade to not be accepted there will need to be 4 rejections from other coaches. IF A PLAYER RETIRES who is currently owned, then the team that owns him will only have to cut up to 2 players (see below). If a player retires during the draft or after the draft and before I input the rosters, the team that has him will receive an extra pick.

In the next week I will email out five things: an end of season PowerPoint I put together with a bunch of random things from the league year, the updated league rules (that includes the new point system), two word documents that I wrote up for fun, and an excel spreadsheet with each coach’s FULL roster and draft picks so you have a list to go off of when trying to make trades.

The draft will be three rounds and will be for all available players. On the first weekend of August (that would be the 3rd/4th) I’m going to message everyone individually and ask that you cut UP TO 3 players (if on the final weekend you chose not to hang onto a full 21 then I will adjust that number accordingly). YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CUT ANYONE. The number of players you cut will determine how many picks you have going into the draft. What that means is if you have 21 players, and:

-You choose to cut the maximum of 3 you will have all three of your picks.

-If you choose to cut only 2 players, you will have your first two picks.

-If you choose to cut only 1 player, you will have your first pick.

-And if you choose to cut no one, you will not have a pick in the draft this year.

That decision is completely up to you. YOU WILL HAVE UNTIL NOON ON THE WEDNESDAY BEFORE THE DRAFT TO DECIDE ON WHO YOU ARE CUTTING (which this year will be the 14th). I’m putting this out there now and I will include it in the email I send out, the draft is going to be scheduled for August 17th at 9pm EST/8pm Central, so put it in your calendars with a notification so you don’t decide to schedule something else. At the beginning of July, I will send out a reminder for that date and time and if you had something come up that you just can’t get out of, we can talk about it then. The draft took less than 20 minutes this past year and that was with four rounds, so I don’t imagine the later start time for this one cutting into anyone’s beauty sleep.

One last thing. If you do not want to continue on in the league next year that’s fine, there aren’t any hard feelings, I just ask that you please let me know early on if possible. I need to make sure I have enough time to find a replacement for you.

That’s all for this season, good luck to you all in the offseason, I hope you make the right choices to help make your teams better, just not better than mine.

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