About Us

Our names are Bryar Wagner and Lance Leach. We run/maintain this website, and we post the articles, rankings etc. We’ve known each other since summer practices kicked off our freshman year of high school. We both ended up joining the military after high school (Marines for Bryar, Navy for me) and both worked IT jobs while in. We Talk Football all started back in 2015 when I asked Bryar how difficult it would be to start a blog and really get it going. The idea turned into a website and took off from there. We let the ownership on our original site run out, I switched briefly to a blog and Bryar got this current site setup on a server that he built and has running at his house. This is far from a full-time job for us, in that we make no money off it and don’t consider it work. We both have a passion for football, and absolutely love coming up with the content that resides on our site. Originally this started out with us doing videos each week, but distance made that more difficult, perhaps we’ll get back to that now that we're living in the same state again. For now, enjoy our articles. If you have any questions or remarks shoot us an email through our Contact Us section, message us on Facebook, or tweet us on Twitter, while you’re there make sure you give us a like and follow.

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