What I got right from 2018 and 2019 Draft Boards

I started the Draft Board project in 2020, but I applied it to the 2018 and 2019 drafts classes so I could see what kind of returns I'm getting out of it early on. Unfortunately, that also meant that the 2018 and 2019 draft boards were not going to be all that accurate because they were using the same year range as the 2020 class (2008-2017, when it would have been 2006-2015 for 2018 and 2007-2016 for 2019). So, as a way to view the early returns while acknowledging that flaw, I've combined these two years and will exclude them from anything I do with the 2020 draft board and all subsequent boards.

I feel pretty happy with the low percentage of successful players from those that I removed from my draft boards entirely. But I would like to see improvement for the percentage of successful players that remained on my board, specifically from those I gave a grade in the round 1-3 range. I'm hopeful that 2020 will show improvement in those areas. As a side note, I've also added statistical values to each position for this 2022 draft class that I will continue with moving forward. So, while I won't see the returns on that change for another three years, it will give me something to look forward to as a way to potentially improve these percentages even more. Or, maybe I'll get bored this spring and apply the updated stats to the 2020 and 2021 draft classes and then post revised articles for each draft board. For now, go ahead and checkout what the combined efforts of the 2018 and 2019 draft boards has shown.

% of successful players that I gave the Empty label to: 2.1% (out of 97)

% of successful players that I gave the Depleted label to: 8.6% (out of 105)

Total % of successful players that I removed from my board: 5.5% (out of 202)

Total % of successful players that I kept on my board: 17.8% (out of 450)

Of the successful players, % that remained on my board: 87.9%

% of successful players that I gave a 1st round grade to: 46.9%

% of successful players that I gave a 1st-2nd round grade to: 35%

% of successful players that I gave a 2nd-3rd round grade to: 31.6%

% of successful players that I gave a 3rd-5th round grade to: 14.2%

% of successful players that I gave a 4th-6th round grade to: 5.4%

% of successful players that I gave a 5th-7th round grade to: 6%

% of successful players that I gave a 7th-Undrafted round grade to: 0%

Here's the link to the 2019 review: wetalkfootball.cc/2019-draft-board-review/

I did the 2018 review in separate articles broken down by position, but you can find the links to all of them here: https://wetalkfootball.cc/tag/2018-draft-board/